Last minute Turkey Day Tips!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it includes 3 of my most favorite things: Family, food, and quality time. Thanksgiving is one of those holidays where we can truly celebrate the most important things in life like our freedoms, our families, our blessings, and (did i mention) our love of food. I’ve been so blessed with an amazing family and support system and like every year, I look forward to spending this day with them.

This thanksgiving is the first thanksgiving in 3 or 4 years that I’ll have the opportunity to enjoy alongside my husband and that’s something I’m so thankful for! He started his career in retail so this year will be his first year in a while where he’ll be able to enjoy the holiday season.

Besides the family, food, and fun, another fun part of Thanksgiving (and the holiday season as a whole) is all the parties and entertaining. Here are a few quick tips on how to be a great host this Thanksgiving and as we transition into Christmas and New year.

The Golden Rule

Do unto others and you would have them do unto you. This is even true for entertaining. Tidy up a little bit. Use the nice china and do your best to make sure your guests feel welcome and special.

Create a Welcoming Environment

Whether this is rearranging furniture, lighting some candles, or playing music, create an environment that helps your guests feel relaxed and at ease. This thanksgiving I created a balloon arch to add to the ambiance. Check out this tutorial that I used as my inspiration:

Do your best to create wholesome and positive conversation

Although we just had a crazy election season, try to help create an environment that supports discussion that your guests won’t feel awkward engaging in.

If you’re having a large dinner party, consider having a seating strategy — this means place guests in certain areas at the table in a strategic way. Real Simple has a great article about seating arrangements that you should check out:

Embrace Football

Football and other televised sports are a big part of the holiday season… so just embrace it! This doesn’t mean eating breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner in front of the TV but this means having the game on if needed. One of the best parts of Thanksgiving is watching the Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys. Some of the best things about New Year’s Day are the Bowl Games!

Have Fun

Have fun. That’s the most important thing. Enjoy every moment that you get to spend with your friends and family. There’s so much going on in the world and it’s nice to have those moments where time slows down a little bit and you get to enjoy the special moments and memories that are made.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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